Negotiation Skills

I’ve really enjoyed working with optical colleagues recently on behalf of LOCSU.

We have been looking at the negotiations which take place between local health commissioners and the Local Optical Committees. These are important because they have an impact on the local eye services provided by high street optometrists and opticians.


It’s always rewarding to be discussing and supporting others to develop negotiation skills when the purpose behind those skills is of such value to us all.

I’m sure you would agree that our eye sight is of paramount importance.  We know that many hospital eye services are struggling with enormous waiting lists of patients so it makes sense for patients who can be seen safely by their local optometrist have the opportunity to do so – and reduce the hospital waiting list.  It means the hospital list is for patients who must be seen by the ophthalmologist.

This recent work has made me reflect on past work in the sector and specifically where it all began……

……let me take you back to 2010 and the National Optical Conference.  The main event was a forum theatre scenario about negotiations with commissioners! We included lots of humour and I remember the 200 person audience on their feet shouting instructions to the actors and laughing out loud.  It was an amazing sight and an experience which still gets talked about!

We are looking forward to delivering Forum Theatre at a number of conferences this autumn.  It’s so good to be back working face-to-face!

#forumtheatre #conference #drama-basedlearning