How to deliver a workshop in an ambulance station cupboard!

“This is the best I can do” said the station commander gruffly, as he opened the door onto what looked like a large cupboard with windows. “Someone double booked the training room”, he added as he turned away and marched down the corridor, leaving us staring into a small, dark, uninviting space. My first thought was how are we going to deliver our usual brilliant workshop in a cupboard?

I’m at an ambulance station with 3 actors to deliver a forum theatre session on ‘difficult conversations’ for a group of 12 paramedics.

Fortunately I’m working with three highly experienced and amazing actors and we’ve been in some tricky situations before.  This is not our first forum theatre gig!  We’ve overcome numerous challenges over the years!  Robyn hauled herself up onto the window sill. “We’ll make it work” she said. Whilst Julia added: “Let’s keep the door open and use the corridor as part of the space.” Meanwhile our colleague Darren was busy removing as much furniture as he could from the cupboard, leaving just enough chairs for our delegates.

Within 5 minutes we had a workable space.

Our group of delegates piled into the cupboard and in minutes laughter echoed down the corridor. Our difficult conversations included all important conversations about sickness absence, inappropriate behaviours and performance.  It’s crucial that managers learn how to tackle this issues effectively.  Did the space have an impact?  Well if anything the group appreciated our willingness to make the session work for them regardless of the space.  They had committed to the training, turned up at the venue, and were up for learning.  Their positive attitude along with our determination to deliver a high quality learning experience won the day.

“Brilliant session” was the group feedback.

We call it our cupboard day.

With the right people and the right energy you can turn a cupboard day into a brilliant day.