Our 20th Anniversary Offers
Our 20th Anniversary Offers 20TH ANNIVERSARY OFFER 1: 20% OFF OUR ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management Go to our ILM page for more information 20TH ANNIVERSARY OFFER 2: JUST-IN-TIME-COACHING SESSIONS £99 + VAT 20TH ANNIVERSARY OFFER 3 IS A GIFT! We are offering 3 x FREE 90-minute […]

Executive Coaching – a Testimonial
It’s always a privilege to work one-to-one with senior leaders who are managing multiple complex issues and leading large organisations. Creating the space in which deep thinking occurs, insights are shared and the other person finds or regains their passion, enthusiasm and power is the most rewarding work. Thank you to Joanne Bennis, Chief Nurse, and […]
Coaching Wednesdays: Readiness for Coaching
An important part of the pre-contracting conversation is to establish whether the potential coachee understands coaching, particularly the non-directive style of coaching and their responsibility for taking actions towards achieving their goals. We include the following in our pre-contracting information sheet to help potential coachees consider whether coaching is the right option for them at […]
Coaching Wednesdays: Coaching Tech – what’s the gen?
We know that there is an undeniable shift in the way that organisations are developing staff and this means inevitably big changes ahead for L&D departments. We hear about moving from a learning culture to a coaching culture with some people asking if L&D departments are under threat entirely? As we move towards a self-directed […]

Coaching Wednesdays: A way of being
Carl Rogers, the eminent American psychologist, is perhaps best known for the person-centred approach, which he applied not only to his therapy work but to education too in the form of student-centred learning. To explore what this means in the context of coaching we need look no further than his practice of holding the […]

Coaching Wednesdays: Self-efficacy
Do you believe in your ability to manage a task successfully, and generally cope with life’s challenges? Self-efficacy, or the beliefs you hold about your capability, has a huge impact on how you think, feel, behave and motivate yourself. High levels of self-efficacy means we are more likely to set goals, demonstrate persistence when […]

Coaching Wednesdays: Common Coaching Dilemmas
In this video, Clara the Coach talks us through some of the common coaching dilemmas that coaches-in-training need to manage. https://vimeo.com/217722198

Coaching Wednesdays: Improving psychological flexibility through coaching
If you are a coach working in the UK’s NHS, or an NHS manager or clinician who coaches, you will no doubt be familiar with the term Compassionate Leadership. To explore how we might coach with compassion I have been researching the work of Frank Bond and Steven Hayes and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). […]