47 years ago this month…..
47 years ago this month, I saw a play that changed my life. It was ‘Death of A Salesman’ and it showed a man falling apart under the weight of his life. I had a Dad who had been falling apart since I was 9. He worked in a bank in the City of London. […]
Compassion at Work
I’ve researched and spoken about the power of compassion at work. I’ve designed courses to support managers understand the massive difference it can make to their team’s wellbeing and performance. I’ve put together case studies about compassion, in what might be described as ‘unlikely places’. These include one called ‘The Compassionate Landlord’. They all describe […]
Compassion at work – what does that mean?
There has been a lot of interest in developing more compassionate work places. But what do we mean by compassion? And how can compassion inform the way we manage others at work? Emotional pain and distress is evident in workplaces. After all, we bring our whole selves to work. We may be encouraged to leave […]
Compassion at work
The need for compassion at work was a theme that emerged from our recent research with L&D professionals (L&D June 2020 What Matters?). Why the focus on compassion? Here’s a couple of reasons that our interviewees highlighted: People who are working from home are working even longer hours to demonstrate commitment and may be at […]
Coaching Wednesdays: Improving psychological flexibility through coaching
If you are a coach working in the UK’s NHS, or an NHS manager or clinician who coaches, you will no doubt be familiar with the term Compassionate Leadership. To explore how we might coach with compassion I have been researching the work of Frank Bond and Steven Hayes and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). […]