Do you work in L&D or HR?

If so here are 3 ways we can save you time and add impact to your leadership & management programmes this autumn:

1. Forum Theatre workshops, virtual or F2F (socially distanced). These are an ideal way to support managers to explore and reflect on how to manage difficult conversations and learn effective conflict resolution skills.

2. Bespoke Video content. From low cost zoom videos through to high quality filming on location we have a range of options to meet your needs and provide you with drama-based content that has been developed for your programmes.

3. Our online Resound Academy is a subscription service which provides you with new video content each month, Guest Experts and short courses, so you can quickly and easily select content for your management programmes.


Or hop over to our FREE closed FB group: Resound-ing L&D Community where we share lots of stuff all the time, have some cool discussions, and there’s free training and support.


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